Have you not noticed?

Well, here in Melbourne, petrol is currently around AU$1.70 per litre, (or $6.40 a gallon for you imperial fuckers). When I got my licence 5 years ago, it was around the $0.70 mark.

Now, petrol is made (basically) like this -

A surveyor will find somewhere with crude oil.
Then, for instance in the sea, an oil rig is built.
The oil is then drilled in to, a pipeline is built, and it is pumped through to the mainland oil refinery, which was also built.
It is then refined into diesel, gasoline, and the shit they make plastic out of.

And it's $1.70 a litre.

Do you know what else costs $1.70??

600ml of water from a fucking spring!!!!!!!!!

How the fuck do they get away with that shit?

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Blogging on hold

Moving house so will continue again in about a week or so. Apologies.

Conspirital novels - Fact or Fiction?

Just a quick one I guess.

So anyways...

There are many books to do with Roswell, 9/11, assasanations and Kurt Cobains death etc etc etc etc. They contain fact, as do most fiction books, but seeing as they're based on a consipiracy theory, to some they definitely contain fiction aswell. So assuming you are a disinterested librarian in an unbiased library, in which section do you put these books????

Fiction or Non-fiction mein fruends?

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The Radio ad-free hour

By the way, I did intend to have the last question come out this month, but time difference between me and the host made it come out in May, so the weekly thing kinda died in the arse again, and I know this one is more of a rant than a question, but still

So on the radio on Friday, the station advertised from about 11am to 12am a thousand million times, "We have an ad free 50 coming up soon!!!". So you'd think it would be non stop music by the time it gets there wouldn't you.

"Ad free 50 starts now!", the station says. So you're expecting what, 150 minutes of non stop music? Well I was. Every fucking 2 songs though, "It's our ad free 50, this is the best station ever!!!" etc etc etc etc etc. There's no paid commercials, but it definitely fucking is not ad free!!!!!!!!!

Don't they realise that this is purpose-defeating, more annoying than regular commercials that may be advertising a product that interests you, and enough to make listeners, such as myself, change the fucking station to something like Triple J which has no ads and weird music, but heaps less fucking talking?!


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