Posted by
6:37 PM
 On the radio the other day, there was a competition to guess what ingredients were in a drink. Not a regular drink. Just a "smoothy" of 2 random things. Apparently, the taste was rather disgusting. Coke & eggs. Not much yum-ness there. Having said that though, you'd eat eggs with say, sausages and bacon. Steak with chips and salad. Some people, like me, eat the foods on their plates one at a time. Others though, including me when I have an open souvlaki, put a variety of ingredients on the fork at one time to give you a more interesting flavour. 
Why is it though, that the thought of a blended souvlaki doesn't sound appealing? Somehow I don't think it would taste the same either. So is texture somehow flavour?
Posted by
2:23 PM
 So there's the saying, head over heels. At times, an exclamative description of emotion, eg: "She was head over heels in love!" Sometimes, commentary on your lack of balance, eg: "He fell head over heels down the stairs". Have you noticed, however, the homosapiens standing position? Please note that in a normal, natural, standing position, the head, (A), is situated over the heels, (B). Head. Over heels. So the expression, taken literally. effectively describes the normal position for a standing or sitting human being. So who's the idiot that thought that would emphasise a point?Moron. Also, who's the ingenius Aussie who fixed the phrase with the expression, "Ass over tit"? See that actually makes sense. Unless the person with tits is puckering up while being fucked from behind. More on that later?!
head over heels,
Posted by
11:26 PM
Why hi there. I know I'm due to ask another question soon, and I will... just waiting for the weekend to finish! Anyhoo... Had a really good day the other day, (Thursday), with the number of hits I got. 3 times as many as normal. According to my stat counter they're mostly unique visitors, but I don't think it has a tracking cookie so it's probably the same people returning each day. However, people, there is one thing that I was hoping to get out of idunnoweekly, and that is interactivity. Please answer some questions, or direct any feedback, + or -, to Thanks o/
Posted by
6:21 AM
 I was eating my lunch at work today and I'd finished my newspaper on the train this morning and had nothing in the way of visual entertainment. So, I grabbed all the stuff sitting on the kitchen table and spun it around to read everythings ingredients and nutritional information. Exciting life I lead this one. Jealous? You must be. Then I came across Nescafé blend 43. The most commonest of common instant coffees this fair city has to offer. Ingredients? Coffee beans. Nothing else. Not one fucking thing. So with one ingredient, how do they make so much of it that tastes exactly the same? More importantly though, with one sole ingredient... How did they fuck up the first 42 blends?
blend 43,
instant cofee,
Posted by
4:55 AM
 There's good bacteria. There's bad bacteria. The shit from sweat must be bad, coz BO and sweaty feet smell fair atrocious, and we wash it off. Except for some people on public transport who don't seem to mind their own stench. Excercise is good for you. Keeps you fit. Makes your body look better. Sweat excretes pheremones. Attracts the opposite sex. So, long story short..... Excercise is good for you and a sweaty man: BITCHES LOVE THAT SHIT!!! So why does sweat make a bad smell??
Posted by
10:07 PM
 FHM, (Australian mens magazine), this month featured an article, "40 fashion mistakes you're making right now". One of them was unless you are hiking/bushwalking, DO NOT WEAR POLAR FLEECE TOPS. I do have a few. I wear them when landscaping, walking the dog, or doing anything where I think I might get dirty, and don't give a rats arse if I ruin the polar fleece top. Apparently, advantages of fleece are that it is: Soft and comfortable to wear. Very warm and provides warmth without weighing a lot. I don't find mine very comfortable with that stupid fucking 3 foot neck zip and the tightarse wrists. Definitions of polar on the web: arctic: extremely cold; "an arctic climate"; "a frigid day"; "gelid waters of the North Atlantic"; "glacial winds"; "icy hands"; "polar weather" Mine, however, I don't find particularly warm. My fluffy pimp jacket is warm. If they ain't that fuckin' warm, why are they called polar fleece?
polar fleece
Posted by
6:06 PM
 If I need to buy myself something for work using my own money, for instance work boots or safety vests, the amount I spend is tax deductable. Now, if you look at a professional sports-person, in terms of uniforms, they won't be deducting anything clothing related as their sponsors will provide it free of charge. If you happen to be an AFL player, you can incur fines by the tribunal, your club, or the league itself for what you do and say both on and off the field. Alistair Clarkson, Hawthorn coach, incurred a fine for derogatory statements made after the match against umpires. (I think it was him anyway I cbf researching it.) He was fined $5000 for his statement. Although compared to his salary it's not very much, that money came out of his pocket, and therefore his income, and went in to the coffers of what's effectively a private business. This penalty applied for what he said, however, if I said it on television , I wouldn't fined, because I don't work for a company controlled by that private sector, (the AFL). So technically, it's a non-government penalty applied to his back-pocket, for comments he made about his work, while at work, and they were said specifically in defense of his work and colleagues. I reckon that's a work expense, but I dunno... Is that shit tax deductable?Bullshit if it's not.
tax deduction,