Posted by
5:21 AM
 Grew tall and they started talking. If you believe in science, man evolved from apes, and with some exceptions, had less body hair, due to clothing. If you're religious, God made man, who lived relatively naked in the garden of Eden, which we can safely assume was warm enough to be naked or close to. Our body temperature is controlled through many biological functions. Common knowledge is one of the main areas heat escapes the body is through the head. As man has evolved, this is our thickest coat of "fur". However, generally speaking, our hair is also thicker in certain places... Underarms, legs, and the pubic region, (including your bum crack). If you have a look at your kneecaps, the hairs are shorter from rubbing against your pants. Strangely enough though, the places where human body hair is denser, are also places that frequently rub against things. So that confuses me for a start. Looking at my dogs though, they're furry, excep the hair is thinner, on their inner legs, nose, arsehole, and pubic region. Obviously some of it is for hygene reasons but still leaves me confused. Why are the most frequently clothed and friction affected hairy areas of the human body unaffected by this shit?By the way, people were invented before toilet paper, so why's it hairy there. Not the most hygenic of God's inventions!
Posted by
7:30 AM
 Please only read the entirity of this post if you're actually a fan of the site or intend to give feedback; positively, negatively, constructively or otherwise. If not, move on, or use the nav bar on the right to go to another post. If your interest level on feedback is >0, but time or interest is <0. (Just so you know, idunnoweekly will soon include some *ahem* quote-unquote miscommunications: there's a guy of Bangladeshi descent at work who is the unintentionally funniest bastard in the history of this planet. There are several phrases and accidentally invented words from him, such as "Sorry for the misconvenience" that will make appearances some time in the near future). This blog started because I asked 1 or 2 questions of a guy at work. Eric Vo. He is a nerd in terms of computer literacy and age vs. life output. Ignoring that, he is a fantastic guy who has a lot in common with my good self, (closet nerd), however cultural and language differences make various forms of communicae, ( AFAIK self invented word for multiple styles of communication), amusing. Both thoughts and speech exit our minds or mouths, and enter the others head or ears, differently than intended or expected. When I struggled to get site hits, I questioned why. Was told simply, "Logo, not enough colour". Just so you know, I fare better with the black and white logo and fuck all colour on the page than I do with something I've phucd with in Photoshop (CS3, yes bitches, who has a keygen for everything?!).A friend of mine suggested it was the constant posting on this one. Supposed to be weekly, but nothing for a fortnight, then 5 in a row. The other blog was a once in a while, "Wow!" or "What the fuck?". Due to time and personal commitment, I have eased up w/ the IDK blogs. The other, now deleted blog, was random, amusing and apparently well written. I have noticed that I ramble more in text than I do in speech. I'm quite aware I ramble in speech. However, I don't mumble when I type, and my written grammatical prowess far outweighs the intelligence, articulation, and word finding skilll I present upon constructing a verbal sentence. The application I use to count visitors tells me I get more unique vistors than return ones, and the page loads, (refreshing or pressing F5 while you're already here), tells me that there's not many returning visitors. This leaves me with 2 options. 1. Someone at loves this shit and puts it in blogs of note. 2. You lot keep coming back for God knows what reason, but never leave me feedback. I've set my IP to static so my counter doesn't include my views, yet something is still going awry. Ignoring this 1000 word essay, what am I doing wrong?I'm attracting new visitors, and statistically speaking, I've far exceeded the intended achievements I had for this blog. Please either answer my questions or tell me why you won't.
Posted by
1:02 PM
 The first wave of feminist revolution happened in the UK and US in the 19th and early 20th century. It focused on contractual and property rights for women, then the right to vote, (suffrage). The second wave was in the 60s and 70s and according to feminists, was to end discrimination and to highlight inequalities in politics. They should have figured that stuff out with the first lot of suffrage, so basically the second wave was o hippies could grow hairy legs and armpits. Ferals. Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, arising as a response to perceived failures of the second wave and also as a response to the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second wave. Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge or avoid what it deems the second wave's essentialist definitions of femininity, which (according to them) over-emphasize the experiences of upper middle-class white women. So after all this rot, what happens? Some inventors stop "inventing". They ignore the Aussie phrase of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", and start redesigning things for women, emphasising form over function. Admittedly, our world is now much prettier thanks to pubic free or pubic minimalist women, and good home decoratives, (I mean actual decorations, not the women themselves *ahem* the mrs doesn't read this so I coulda got away with that one too).  Now I have no idea what plates looked like before the feminist revolutions, but now most of them are circle. Except one in my cupboard. It's square. On the dishrack, it stands up without ever rolling to one side. In the cupboard, it sits in the corner with no gaps, no wasted space. The same on the table, and it also has more surface area, allowing me to fit more on my plate to stuff my face with. Definitely a funcional winner in all aspects except possibly the aesthetic art of meal presentation, but arguably that's only because we're used to seeing things on round plates. So, plates are an everyday, commonly used item, yet for some reason, in the western world, the form over function concept wins. Historically, women are in the kitchen more than men. So did circle plates come about after the first wave of feminism failed to get women out of the kitchen, or, with form over function being a club for women (and gay men and metrosexuals), Do circle plates actually signify the early stages of the feminist revolution?I reckon they do coz square plates are better in every way they just look a bit funny.
form over function,
Posted by
2:21 PM
 Ah finally my internet month is over and it's not going at 64kbs anymore!!! Well anyways, I've been catching the train to work nearly every morning to Flinders St Station, Melbournes central transport hub. Since August, during peak hours, they switch all the escalators to the direction in which most passengers are exiting or entering the platform. As with any large city, people always seem to be in a hurry. They push to get through, their urgency to exit the platform ridiculous. Courtesy is left at home, seems every single person in this city is a surgeon, with a dying patient lying on the operating table, waiting for them. So you see people finally getting to the escalators, they step on, the huff and they puff to get to the right hand side and almost jog up the already moving stairs. They hold the handrail like if they let go they'll die.  Then you get there, to the top of the escalators. All these people seemingly in such a rush have the same thing happen to them. As the stairs flatten out, the speed must have changed. The danger must have increased! They all stop walking. So as I get to the top I continue walking at the same pace that I was before, and I wonder... The same people are on the same train every morning, always in a rush. Then they slow down for that 2 seconds as the escalators flatten out. Why the fuck don't they catch an earlier train, or use their hand-eye coordination to allow themselves to keep the fucking pace up at the top of the escalators when they've pushed everyone out of the way to get there!!!They're quite capable of walking on the flat escalator thingies at the airports, it's no different you fucking spastics.
Posted by
8:21 PM
It's my Dad's birthday this weekend, (and Fathers Day) so I'll be back next week. I also got subpoenaed as a court witness 3 times in the one day aswell so been kinda busy. Don't stress though I shall return. In the meantime don't hesitate to throw more questions my way via