Another one of THESE questions.

Please only read the entirity of this post if you're actually a fan of the site or intend to give feedback; positively, negatively, constructively or otherwise. If not, move on, or use the nav bar on the right to go to another post. If your interest level on feedback is >0, but time or interest is <0.

(Just so you know, idunnoweekly will soon include some *ahem* quote-unquote miscommunications: there's a guy of Bangladeshi descent at work who is the unintentionally funniest bastard in the history of this planet. There are several phrases and accidentally invented words from him, such as "Sorry for the misconvenience" that will make appearances some time in the near future).

This blog started because I asked 1 or 2 questions of a guy at work. Eric Vo. He is a nerd in terms of computer literacy and age vs. life output. Ignoring that, he is a fantastic guy who has a lot in common with my good self, (closet nerd), however cultural and language differences make various forms of communicae, (AFAIK self invented word for multiple styles of communication), amusing. Both thoughts and speech exit our minds or mouths, and enter the others head or ears, differently than intended or expected.

When I struggled to get site hits, I questioned why. Was told simply, "Logo, not enough colour". Just so you know, I fare better with the black and white logo and fuck all colour on the page than I do with something I've phucd with in Photoshop (CS3, yes bitches, who has a keygen for everything?!).

A friend of mine suggested it was the constant posting on this one. Supposed to be weekly, but nothing for a fortnight, then 5 in a row. The other blog was a once in a while, "Wow!" or "What the fuck?". Due to time and personal commitment, I have eased up w/ the IDK blogs.

The other, now deleted blog, was random, amusing and apparently well written. I have noticed that I ramble more in text than I do in speech. I'm quite aware I ramble in speech. However, I don't mumble when I type, and my written grammatical prowess far outweighs the intelligence, articulation, and word finding skilll I present upon constructing a verbal sentence.

The application I use to count visitors tells me I get more unique vistors than return ones, and the page loads, (refreshing or pressing F5 while you're already here), tells me that there's not many returning visitors. This leaves me with 2 options.

1. Someone at loves this shit and puts it in blogs of note.
2. You lot keep coming back for God knows what reason, but never leave me feedback.

I've set my IP to static so my counter doesn't include my views, yet something is still going awry.

Ignoring this 1000 word essay, what am I doing wrong?

I'm attracting new visitors, and statistically speaking, I've far exceeded the intended achievements I had for this blog. Please either answer my questions or tell me why you won't.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bennie!!! Guess who ... LOL!!!! Anyhow, I would like to congratulate you on a great make-over for your blog man. It looks totally attractive to me... FCUKING SICK man!! You don't need to change your lay-out anymore, love this lay-out to the max. Just concentrate on the contents for your blog now. Take care and have a good one!!!

DaveCharlie said...

Hey man - I agree, the colour scheme is much better - only thing I'd recommend would be reconsider your font and font size - and maybe make all your blog images a similar size... Maybe you could make some of your font headers/colours fit the new colour scheme too. I saw this blog recently and its layout, scheme, etc I thought was really good. Anyywys, just some thoughts... Keep up the blogging man

subkulcha said...

noted. thanks dude. i'll make sure i match the blog to suit the header i change it too. i'll also make some more headers!!! and think of some more questions :/