Hi... I've been busy and sick lately so haven't been going weekly. Not that you motherfuckers read this anyway. Mongrels. This one is more of an insight into how my mind processes things as opposed to an actual question. I know you'll never get this, as it kinda comes from an idiot statement made by someone else.
However, if you can give me an answer, it'll be interesting to see how you go there.
Answer me via email, if you'd prefer your choices not to be published.
So... You know someone with brown eyes. This feature being your relevant starting point, how do they end up with the nickname "Loco"?
To make it more difficult, no they're not crazy, nor Mexican. So riddle me this bitches!
Ive been reading your questions and yes I did get here from a google image search(buddah) and found out that buddha's not really fat...so Im kinda glad I learned something from your site.
Just wanted to say that I think your pretty funny!
lol thankyou for answering. the sites getting slightly more popular, (the cookie tells me how long people stay aswell), it's just getting interactivity!!
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