
English is a language with an extraordinary amount of silly things, and oxymoronic words and phrases.

So... As we define extraordinary, we get

  • beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable;
  • far more than usual or expected;

As you can see, it's made of two words, extra and ordinary.

So *wikka wikka break it down now*

  • excess: more than is needed, desired, or required;
  • further or added;
  • unusually or exceptionally;
  • something additional of the same kind;

Then we come to Ordinary:
  • not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree;
  • average: lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered;
So..... extraordinary means something unsual.... but if you used it as two words, it would mean an excess amount of ordinary things, or something so ordinary it's not even funny, but it doesn't.

In context, I find this an extraordinary lack of thought to whoever the dimwit was the inventionamised this stupid fucking word. Americans, save us with your Americanisms.... May the ax break you out of jail while those who love their old school Enklish (sic) catch some Zeeeeeeeeeee's.