I dunno about your metabolism(s), but with mine, I drink I piss, I eat I shit. Same as the monkeys except I have opposable thumbs so I wipe my arse. I've also never thrown my poo like monkeys do, however tempted I may get.
Now, I'm hoping it's not actually possible, but I've never had poo come out of my peehole. This is good. Sometimes when you're sick, it feels like gushing pee coming out the other end, but that's ok, most semi-solids**can be turned into liquid quite easily.
Unprocessed consumed things turn into waste matter, then going to your bowel or your bladder. How does it do that though?? Is your kidney like some kind of spongey filter that lets liquid drown out the bottom then when it fills up with poo it tips over and drops it into your bowel or what? I really don't understand (see diagram).
Now, I actually did ask some people this, their answer was: kidney. Didn't really answer the question though, as I don't think their biological knowledge is adequate enough to tell me.
**Actually there's another question, is poo a solid or what? When you step on it it squishes, and I'm assuming for the sake of world sewage it turns to liquid in the drains?
See, to the best of my knowledge, (which is none, hence the question), it all comes in mixed, then the pee filters through into the bladder, then when there's enough poo it tilts that thing backwards to drop it into the bowel. So another question, there's pee in your poo isn't there??

ben, your a weird one
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