I've noticed it on nearly every modern ladder I've seen. In fact, I bought one the other day, (picture will come later if I feel it's relevant and I can be bothered).
So anyways, it's not particularly high, maybe 1.6m. Has steps, (as most ladders do), all the way up it.
ALL THE WAY UP IT. In fact it's as if the ladder is built entirely from steps!!!
"AAAAAAAhhhh, how bizaare!", I assume you probably won't think. Yes I'm stating the obvious. I'm uneducated this is how I demonstrate the point I'm (trying to) make more often than not.
So this ladder, with stairs all the way up, has a sticker on it. Same as all the other ladders that were available for sale. They all read, "Do not use top step", or "Do not step past this stair".
Safety and liability gone stupid thanks to civil libertarians, (I hate them whinging fuckers). So if the ladder companies feel the need to warn against doing this,
Why the fuck don't they make them with 2 less steps?
It wouldn't exactly be the most difficult piece of engineering to make a fucking ladder that has the stairs stop at the safest point, with the rest of the ladder braced in such a way that it is obviously not a step, that you may use after ignoring the warning, and subsequently break your neck.