What's a better solution when we run out of oil?

So, my friends, we have a world oil crisis. They reckon that one day we'll run out of oil. Of course we will. So anyways, what's the answer?? ELECTRIC CARS!!!!!! Brilliant. They use a whole heap of batteries. Made from plastic. Electric cars don't run so good so they make them lighter. Using plastic. Plastic is made from petro-chemicals. Petro-chemicals is made from oil. The cars then need to be recharged. In Australia, the power stations use mostly coal, and oil.

Brilliant fucking solution. Morons.

Please someone, anyone, tell me...

What's a better solution than stupid fucking electric cars?

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Anonymous said...

Cars that run on water?..


subkulcha said...

Hydrogen/water will work in other countries, but in Australia we're short on water. Plus then the cars will have more plastic components as stainless steel will be too expensive.

miss gen said...

what about solar powered cars?

maybe someone just needs to figure out how to teleport, then we won't need cars!