Posted by
4:17 AM
 So I'm watching a movie. Widescreen tv. Better pic qual than the movies, although it does lack the atmosphere. One thing that annoys me is the channels logo. Otherwise shit's all good. That logo though, is defecates all over the realness of the movie, (besides the average acting and.... predictable? lines). Defined, it's called a watermarks. Fuck off. Water makes structural damage, however aesthetically it's kept to just above minimum. So something distractingly obvious would not reeeeeeeeally be one???
Posted by
11:57 AM
Just so you know, I've not been lazy on the break. Dad and myself have been busy building/assembling. As much as this may seem a little backwards, I'm preeeeeeetty sure I'm getting a circular saw for chrissy, which would have made building the car bed a lot easier. Yes, it's possible to cut a straight line with a jigsaw. Provided you have a planer and sander lying around aswell!!!!!!!!! anyway..... the question is, Who's the stupid bastard who put Christmas so close to NYE?You run out of money for Christmas then you spend your holidays broke. America beats us on having the holidays in June/July instead of now!!!!

Posted by
12:09 AM
 Although it's Christmas and I have holidays... I've decided to have a break. Have a good one. Might start posting again in the new year. Or before then. Who knows? Good personal news this week though, I had my long overdue work review, and although after 4.5 hours we're still not finished, (wage discussions shall come in the new year), my bonus Xmas cash was exchanged for a gift. A TE-TF Magna wagon. Not my car of choice, and not being a company car that means fuel, rego, insurance etc is my problem... (should've opted the cash), it's still like a few grands worth of gift. I know their broker would have given them sweet FA for it, but still, would have cost me more than the $500 it is going to to have a registered and RW vehicle. Now my new motorcycle can be dedicated to weekends and warm days. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Posted by
11:44 AM
  Sometimes that damn Yank spelling makes sense. The Z replacing the S in some words annoys me a little, (Z pronounced zee instead of zed like us to make the alphabet song sound better is ok though), but things like jail insteadof gaol, ax instead of axe.... That works. The one that doesn't... X for Chris when stand alone it's either ex, or cross.... XMas, Xtina... I mean seriously.... Would you know to pronounce XX as Kriss-Kross???Didn't think so.
Posted by
12:18 PM
 A little late for some, but most will still have some XMas shopping left. Oh but the lines. A girl at Target has now twice broken the rules for me, as surpisingly enough, it hadn't been done before. The second time, it was even done in 1 transaction for me! So the tip is...If you're Christmas shopping, (for $50 or more worth of items), and there is a line half way around the store, put it on layby and pick it up the same day. It helps if you're picking up a genuine layby at the same time, but seriously, for $2 or $3, it's worth not wasting a day waiting in line!!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Just a quick one about the Philippines... (By the way if you're wondering the relevence of the kicks, they're the Philippines Air Force Ones, dedicated to Joze someone).....  F is an f pronounced like an f. Ph is a sound pronounced like an F. The phact that Philipines is spelt with a ph is phine, as it's a name, maybe their language doesn't have an f so it was translated to english via the Roman alfabet.... oh but hang on...... Why is Philippines Philippines but the people phrom there are Filipino?
Posted by
12:23 PM
 Just a quicken.... Now, the dentist told me that I brush my teeth too hard so it's possible I do the same to my toast. However, it happens only with one spread, never with the butter. I still ask though, as variety probably isn't the most accurate description of my dietary intake, particularly when it comes to breakfast. When bread is made, the dough is mixed in a mixing bowl, and comes out pretty smooth. In this case it's divided into 800g pieces with minimum manipulation. Then fed through a roller, which makes it come out sausage shaped, then put in a tin and from there it rises. This rising gives it aeration, this is where the holes in your bread come from. These wholes look kinda random, or without directional grain... So why the fuck is there only one direction I can spread my vegemite on my toast without ripping my fucking bread apart?Does this happen to anyone else with vegemite or any other spreads?
best thing since sliced bread,
Posted by
6:03 PM
 I went to the Zoo this weekend. It was good. There were animals. :) In all seriousness though it was the birthday for the daughter of a friend of mine, and although some of the animals did nada but snore their way through the day, the 4 male lions were taking it turns creeping real close to the fence and making eye contact, there was a gorilla who was possesive of his sack that he wore as a cape, and a BIG ASS silverback who made all the other ones run like biatches. Plus a little orange monkey was annoying a big one that was trying to sleep right near the window. That shit was pretty cool. Anyway, there was a stage during the day where I had to pee. The trees were calling me, I was surrounded by nature but the Zoo provides facilities so I figured I'd actually use them, especially seeing as we were in the eatery bit anyway... So in I wander, pee I do. Turn around and lo and behold... a sharps container. Now there used to be a more prevelant heroin problem here in Melbourne, or at least more noticable, so sharps containers are nothing new, particularly in public toilets. However, I figured, anyone desperate enough to shoot up heroin isn't going to spend money on the zoo... soooooooooooooooooo, Are sharps containers in places such as the Zoo to cater for people with diabetes and the like?In all honesty, it's a serious question.
Posted by
1:40 AM
Yes, there'll be some better questions coming soon. Time is money. I have neither. To be honest I have time but anyway....... OK so the majority of people that visit my site get here via a google image search, as I don't really have anything consistent enough to be on a list for a regular search do I? 
As you know, (or would if you'd read my previous ramblings, I'm a disbeliever of statistics, so I won't be looking up the %age of Islamically faithed people that use the internet, or the %age of Moosy's compared to others in a world population sense, but the fact that it rates as my second most popular page from people looking at burqas doesn't intrigue me. What does though, is the fact that the definite majority of hits are people not just seeing on a search, but clicking on, the fat midget stripper. WFT is the fascination??? Can't one of you people answer my question then?!
Posted by
12:31 AM
 Today, I saw several passports. The older, traditional style Australian ones, and the new Aussie ones that are just a bit smaller and have a thing you can scan to get you through customs a little quicker. Then I saw the green demon. A Bangladeshi passport. Open it up... This passport is valid in all countries except Israel. This is because most Bangla's are Muslim, although I thought church and state were seperate there. So anyway... serious question, What other countries passport doesn't allow you to go everywhere?
foreign country,