Yes, there'll be some better questions coming soon. Time is money. I have neither. To be honest I have time but anyway.......
OK so the majority of people that visit my site get here via a google image search, as I don't really have anything consistent enough to be on a list for a regular search do I?

As you know, (or would if you'd read my previous
ramblings, I'm a disbeliever of statistics, so I won't be looking up the %age of Islamically faithed people that use the internet, or the %age of Moosy's compared to others in a world population sense, but the fact that it rates as my second most popular page from people looking at burqas doesn't intrigue me.
What does though, is the fact that
the definite majority of hits are people not just seeing on a search, but clicking on, the fat midget stripper.
WFT is the fascination??? Can't one of you people answer my question then?!
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