Is it sharp everywhere?

I went to the Zoo this weekend. It was good. There were animals. :)

In all seriousness though it was the birthday for the daughter of a friend of mine, and although some of the animals did nada but snore their way through the day, the 4 male lions were taking it turns creeping real close to the fence and making eye contact, there was a gorilla who was possesive of his sack that he wore as a cape, and a BIG ASS silverback who made all the other ones run like biatches. Plus a little orange monkey was annoying a big one that was trying to sleep right near the window. That shit was pretty cool.

Anyway, there was a stage during the day where I had to pee. The trees were calling me, I was surrounded by nature but the Zoo provides facilities so I figured I'd actually use them, especially seeing as we were in the eatery bit anyway...

So in I wander, pee I do. Turn around and lo and behold... a sharps container. Now there used to be a more prevelant heroin problem here in Melbourne, or at least more noticable, so sharps containers are nothing new, particularly in public toilets. However, I figured, anyone desperate enough to shoot up heroin isn't going to spend money on the zoo... soooooooooooooooooo,

Are sharps containers in places such as the Zoo to cater for people with diabetes and the like?

In all honesty, it's a serious question.

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Unknown said...

there are sharps containers in aircraft toilets too....... now assuming not too many heroin addicts will be able to afford to fly ..... then yep, I guess they are for people who must self administer meds such as insulin. OH AND FOR RICH ADDICTS I guess......