Does this happen to anyone else?

Just a quicken.... Now, the dentist told me that I brush my teeth too hard so it's possible I do the same to my toast. However, it happens only with one spread, never with the butter. I still ask though, as variety probably isn't the most accurate description of my dietary intake, particularly when it comes to breakfast.

When bread is made, the dough is mixed in a mixing bowl, and comes out pretty smooth. In this case it's divided into 800g pieces with minimum manipulation.

Then fed through a roller, which makes it come out sausage shaped, then put in a tin and from there it rises.

This rising gives it aeration, this is where the holes in your bread come from. These wholes look kinda random, or without directional grain...

So why the fuck is there only one direction I can spread my vegemite on my toast without ripping my fucking bread apart?

Does this happen to anyone else with vegemite or any other spreads?

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