Although it's Christmas and I have holidays... I've decided to have a break. Have a good one. Might start posting again in the new year. Or before then. Who knows?

Good personal news this week though, I had my long overdue work review, and although after 4.5 hours we're still not finished, (wage discussions shall come in the new year), my bonus Xmas cash was exchanged for a gift. A TE-TF Magna wagon.

Not my car of choice, and not being a company car that means fuel, rego, insurance etc is my problem... (should've opted the cash), it's still like a few grands worth of gift.

I know their broker would have given them sweet FA for it, but still, would have cost me more than the $500 it is going to to have a registered and RW vehicle.

Now my new motorcycle can be dedicated to weekends and warm days.
