Why isn't there a capital shortcut?

So I'm typing this sentence. I decide I want a word bold. I press ctrl+b and it does it. Then I wouldn't mind some words in italics. Hmmmm, ctrl+i did that one. Then I look back, and I've typed the whole sentence in italics. So I highlight the words I want plain and I hit ctrl+i, or the i key that most words processing programs and the blog composer have.

Then you know what I realise? I WANTED TO SHOUT THIS SENTENCE OUT LOUD. To do so, I hold shift, or I press caps lock before typing. To undo it??? I have to type the whole fucking sentence again. Why can't I press shift or caps lock to alternate between small and capital letters?

I get frustrated, I press shift 5 times.

StickyKeys comes up. (Pressing the SHIFT key 5 times turns on StickyKeys). Fucked if I know what it does but my computer beeps a lot when it's on. Anyways...

Why is there no shortcut to switch between small and capitalised letters for an entire word or sentence?

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Unknown said...

i know when you use microsoft word if you highlight the sentence, right click and go to font you can change from all caps to non caps cant you? i dont know if it works for anything else though. and that shift 5 times is pretty cool i have used computers for years and never realised that, its exciting for a simple person like me