Business during Ramadan.

Catholics can't eat meat on Good Friday. AFAIK you can still buy meat on that day. What? Shops aren't open? Ah, fair enough, 1 day off won't put a butcher out of business.

However, then you get some religions that fast for a long time. Like Ramadan. 1 month no food isn't it?

If there's no food except for the basics, that sucks arse. That's why I don't like any religions (more specifically, interpretations of religions).

I don't think you should show your faith by depriving yourself. You should show your faith by being appreciative of the life you've been provided and/or made.

Anyways, on to the question:

Do many businesses in deeply religious precints/countries suffer a great deal during seasons of fasting?

Religious fasting, it's not just food, it's "gluttony" in general yeah??

Serious question BTW not taking the piss.

Taboo... and the reasons behind it.

I watched a show called Taboo: Nudity the other day.

Most of the people on there were prime examples of why nudism is taboo. You wouldn't want to see them naked. Don't get me wrong though, nobody's perfect looking (well some are hehe fuck it I like superficialism), and there's plenty of less than "perfect" people you'd go, (probably plenty of less than average one's you've had)...

however... without (too much) disrespect to them...

Why are there an absolute disproportionate amount of overweight people that are nudists?

Nudism is about celebrating the body. So keep it fucking healthy if you care about it that much.

There's a fair few red heads too, and a hell of a lot of fuckin' beards!!!

This is a long, rambling, comprehensive thought train leading to a question.

My children will probably at some stage see a cassette tape. After their first arrest. Although it's easy enough to record and burn to disc or memory card, I'm guessing tapes are cheaper, quicker and easier.

I remember when I was a kid, at the caravan there was a little rabbit-eared black & white TV. At my nana's, and ols school tube telly that sat on the floor, and you went and twisted the knob to change the channel and shit, (all 10 of them, (0 being a channel!!)

Dad even had a VCR with a remote control that had a cord that ran from the remote to the unit. That remote had maybe 8 buttons! At the moment they've got about 40, and by the time my kids are in primary school, we'll just be waving a hand around to change the channel, change the volume, probably sneeze to set a fucking alarm clock.

My dog spilt coke on my phone the other day, and using the one I've borrowed, (colour screen, camera, games etc), I can't help but miss my full on organiser, awesome camera, USB port, GPS, AV plug... hang on... I remember being 14, and the coolest thing you could get for a phone was a coloured cover for a 5110!!

All this technology and snake still is one of the best games around! Nintendo Wii has revolutionised gaming, the Blu-Ray and HDMI output in PS has also brought things up to another level.

I love Nintendo 64 (never owned one, prob will buy one in the retro media mood I've been hit with lately), however I did have a Nintendo, Super Nintendo (an American version that wasn't compatible, however I used the gay purple controllers), and bring the funk back, a Gameboy colour.

Fuck things have gone a long way though. My kids will never see a Betamax (although no great loss), probably never touch a VCR, or a VHS tape, and I doubt if they'll even see a cd-rom!!!! I'll be breeding quickly if I get munchkins quick enough for them to even burn things on to DVD. Vinyl is in with a chance. although they may just own 2, if they're DJs, and blank ones just to authenticate live scratching via MP3 if they happen to be DJs!!!

They couldn't survive without a computer. I remember in primary school, we had the Macs with the green screens, the colour screens were for the high school kids.

I could honestly go all day, but I've already missed my point I think. So I guess I'll get to the question.
The 20th century was full of technological revolution. Cars, planes, space, media. I'm sure generations before us had little things that they think we missed out on. (60s and 70s, fuck I wish I grew up in that time, I wouldn't have been jumping on mushrooms with Mario let me tell you!).

What things do you miss, and what little things are you spewing your kids won't get to go through?

With technology like now, and the world at their fingertips well... it's useful, but I'm glad I wasn't born yesterday, and growing up in this world were everything is accessible.

Tight parker!

A big thumbs up to Carson Tully via Facebook. We're all aware that Guinness world record's aren't always practical, however, did we ever really think about it?

Check out the bloke above, awesome parking. Impressive. Great work. Hopefully he's getting a coffee, not heaps of shopping hey?

Skills so fantastic it might impress a bird enough to go home with him. Hopefully she brought her car because, well,

How the fuck do you get out of that parking spot?

Double or nothing. I pick the double too =o(

Prices everywhere, of course, vary. However this phenomenon I'm sure will remain the same suburb to suburb, state to state, country to country ffs.

At the Mickey D's on my way home, a cheeseburger is $2.10. I have one nearly every day. On the odd occasion I have a double cheeseburger.

You get double the cheese. Double the burger. Can't argue with the name. However, you don't get double the ingredients, nor does it take double the amount of labour to produce one.

Yet it costs $4.25.

Why the fuck are we prepared to accept this?

If it was double the price, you'd cop it, muttering "farken cunce" under your breath, but you'd cop it.

Before it became a menu item, you could order it, and it did not cost you double. Just the set price for the extra patty and cheese. That's fair.

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I guess you're fucked.

Serious question. Sort of. There's a place in Austria called Fucking.

If you're from here, are you called a Fuck or a Fucker?

Memory blanks.

I do remember the odd thing or 2 from my childhood, but not in very vivid detail. However, there's quite a lot I don't remember. This applies to both long term and short term things. Sometimes you try and learn things and you struggle, they're just so hard to memorise.

I was listening to the radio this morning though, and someone mentioned "Hey, do you remember that show Trapdoor?" (below).


I remembered exactly what it looked like, what channel it was on, and all sorts of things. It wasn't something I'd rush home to watch, or something the whole family would watch. Basically, it had no significance in my life, as with many other shows I watched as a child. So my question is...

Howcome some things you don't remember, and other seemingly insignificant things that you've not thought of on a regular basis, flood back in such vivid detail once mentioned??

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Question from Tabatha via facebook.

Glue is used to stick things yeah?

If it don't stick, use more glue. Well...

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the container?

Yeah sometimes it sticks to the lid, but not all of it.

Baby juice.

This one you actually will be able to get me an answer.

Big ups to Mikey for asking.

Firstly, if we drink water and breathe air, howcome fish don't drink air??


If we're submerged in fluid for too long, we drown.

How do we breathe while an embryo??

The chicken or the egg? How fishy.

Well the what came first, the chicken or the egg question has been asked for fuck knows how long, and several several times I guess. However, after this weekend, I had a question, which got "You're an idiot" as a response, however led to some other questions.

My question is, well. fish are fish, boy or girl, fresh, frozen or food.

A cow has cow tits, udders if you will, a bull has balls and a penis.

A sow has teats, a boar has ham flavoured testicles.

Soooooooooooooo.... when cut up, bovinius foodius is called a steak.

A pig is ham, pork, bacon etc.........

However, even when you go to Red Rooster, you still get chicken. Can't you get rooster??????

Why is the feminine term of the animal used to describe it when it's food??

Even duck's duck, qual's qual, turkey's turkey. So what's the G.O?

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What is the.....

Not thought of but inspired by Lee Lee (why thankya luvvy)...

What's the longest word that you can make with predictive text on a phone???

Sometimes I type stuff and it just leads to all kinds of muddle up suggestivenesses!!!

The chicken fiasco.

Well after a very extended break and many forgotten questions, I shall make a return. Now that I'm back to singledom I'll be able to do more entertaining things that will (hopefully) lead me to do many things that leave others wondering, and me finding something that I don't think is right........

Anyways. I've received a question, from a sometime viewer, long time pervert Trikki Nikki. It's not a specific question, (yet), and I'm not 100% sure what the go is, but spend enough time on the internet and you'll find someone else has wondered the same thing at least once!!!

So........... Nikki would like to know,

Why does everything taste like chicken?

And for those of you who ask, "but does it smell like fish aswell?", or "everything's gonna taste chickeny if you have a mouthful of cock", I've just beaten you to it.
I can't expect an answer but I can probably expect a question?

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simple simple simple question...

It's not just statistics I find useless, just generally public information. Here in Melbourne we had a heatwave, (above 40c for 3 days or so), and the temperature(s) was/were taken in the shade by the weather bureau, so it was hotter in the sun. I don't know 'bout the rest of the world but here everytime someone tells you a temperature, the response is generally, "Bullshit mate, feels hotter than that!", well it probably is. The reason it's taken in the shade, I'm assuming here btw, is that while the mercury indicates the temperature, it's encased, or at least built including, glass and metal. Two things that absorb and radiate heat much hotter than air temperature. For proof touch a roller door in the sun!!!!

How can the temperature then ever really be accurate??

Bullbar question

I'm pretty sure we all know what a bull is. I'm also sure
you know what a bar is. However, the 2 together as one word form something that has to do with a bull. Although not that much to do with a bar. Well not the one pictured anyway. Dunno what they're called elsewhere, but I'm guessing here, it's a pretty safe bet that bullbars got their name from trucks putting some metal on the front to prevent or minimize damage if they hit a bull. Although, with the ratio of freeroaming cattle, they're more likely to hit a cow aren't they??

Then trains have had the same problem, and they have a similar mechanism. Except it's called a cowcatcher. At first you could assume, ok, Bull was put with Bar because of the B. Safe assumption? Also safe to assume cow was put with catcher for the same reason??

So we've almost made sense of it... except the cowcatcher pushes the cow to the side, so it's closer to throwing it really........

Anyway, the question....

Is this just a case of political correctness gone too far?? The cowcatcher is a feminine term, so a masculine one is created specifically to even shit out???

Why can't they both be called cattlechuckers or something???

Seriously though, Animal Deflection Unit is a fair crap name, but why is one masculine and one feminine, when they're both more likely to hit a native animal, or if it's livestock, almost definitely a cow?

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quick $$$$ one

The Aussie $ was close to the same as the US $ about 6 months ago. Then this financial crisis hit. From reports, America is much worse off than us. Howcome our $ is worth a lot less??
Serious question.


Question from Tabatha.

I dunno about your metabolism(s), but with mine, I drink I piss, I eat I shit. Same as the monkeys except I have opposable thumbs so I wipe my arse. I've also never thrown my poo like monkeys do, however tempted I may get.

Now, I'm hoping it's not actually possible, but I've never had poo come out of my peehole. This is good. Sometimes when you're sick, it feels like gushing pee coming out the other end, but that's ok, most semi-solids**can be turned into liquid quite easily.

Unprocessed consumed things turn into waste matter, then going to your bowel or your bladder. How does it do that though?? Is your kidney like some kind of spongey filter that lets liquid drown out the bottom then when it fills up with poo it tips over and drops it into your bowel or what? I really don't understand (see diagram).

Now, I actually did ask some people this, their answer was: kidney. Didn't really answer the question though, as I don't think their biological knowledge is adequate enough to tell me.

**Actually there's another question, is poo a solid or what? When you step on it it squishes, and I'm assuming for the sake of world sewage it turns to liquid in the drains?

See, to the best of my knowledge, (which is none, hence the question), it all comes in mixed, then the pee filters through into the bladder, then when there's enough poo it tilts that thing backwards to drop it into the bowel. So another question, there's pee in your poo isn't there??

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Welcome to Spring.

Well, not really. Happy New Year though. Running out of questions. Rather quickly. Hopefully through boredom I'll get stumped with some other ones anyway. While watching TV, there was a bed advertisement. Best bed you can buy for your back apparently.

Do you know why?? The mattress. The inner sprung mattress mind you. I'm not going to look up definitions, however I think it's safe to assume that with springs being them things on the right, and inner meaning, not outer, which is inside, that the springs would be inside the mattress.

Making it inner sprung. So if it's just a mattress, not an inner sprung mattress, doesn't that just make it a pile of springs on a plant basically???

If a mattress isn't inner sprung,

Where the fuck do they put the springs??