Have you not noticed?

Well, here in Melbourne, petrol is currently around AU$1.70 per litre, (or $6.40 a gallon for you imperial fuckers). When I got my licence 5 years ago, it was around the $0.70 mark.

Now, petrol is made (basically) like this -

A surveyor will find somewhere with crude oil.
Then, for instance in the sea, an oil rig is built.
The oil is then drilled in to, a pipeline is built, and it is pumped through to the mainland oil refinery, which was also built.
It is then refined into diesel, gasoline, and the shit they make plastic out of.

And it's $1.70 a litre.

Do you know what else costs $1.70??

600ml of water from a fucking spring!!!!!!!!!

How the fuck do they get away with that shit?

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