Can gay blokes tell if they're good looking or not?

Now I'm sure there are plenty of "flamboyant" young lads shouting "Hell yes I am!", but they're missing the point of the question. Now, for instance, when me or my friends hear our girlfriend(s), comment amongst themselves, "Hey, that guys hot", we look, and wonder. Occasionally, they're a kinda cool looking dude or whatever, but there's no particular feature that allows us, as straight males, to gauge their attractiveness on. Now, when I look in the mirror, I kinda think, "Yep that's me, could be worse", when I see another dude, I think, "Ah, another dude". I'm not in any way attracted to the physical features of a male, nor can I tell whether one would be classed as good looking or not, (with one exception, the boyfriend of a girl at work, I've never seen that many females so blatantly perving), so when I look at myself, I see myself and that's it. I have neither an up-nor-down ego/self-consciousness.

So my question is... ignoring inflated ego's and the like, does an attractive homo/bi-sexual, someone in any way attracted to the same gender as themselves, look in the mirror and think:

"I want to go fuck myself"

Sounds like an insult, but I actually mean it literally.

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Anonymous said...

im not gay, so my inut isnt very helpful.
anyway, it is quite common that i am told to "Go Fuck Yourself"
so clearly some people believe that if i was to be gay, i, myself, would be my ideal man.